
Common Red Flags When Applying for Naturalization

Common Red Flags

 Although most red flags relate to moral character (see below), some are issues concerning other aspects of your application.

 Absence from the US

While a Lawful Permanent Resident (LPR), you are allowed to leave the US for up to 6 months at a time without it becoming a red flag. However, if this happens regularly during your 3- or 5-year residency, you might be asked why.

Similarly, if you stay out of the US for more than 6 months in one trip, you’ll be asked why. There are some perfectly legitimate reasons, but this is a red flag nonetheless because it may indivicate that you do not live and reside in the United States, which is a requirement to naturalization.

Failure to Register for Selective Service

Selective Service is a law that requires male immigrants aged 18-25 to register for the US military.

Failure to register during eligible years could be a red flag because it’s a legal requirement when seeking naturalization. Nonetheless, this red flag, if it affects you, may be easily resolved.

Also, this issue only applies to male immigrants ages between 18 and 25. If you do not fall under this criteria, this does not apply to you, and it won’t be a red flag.

Registered to Vote in the US

As you may already know, LPRs are not allowed to vote in US elections at any level. They can raise funds and volunteer for campaigns, but voting is strictly prohibited. So, if you register to vote (and/or actually vote), it’ll be noted on your naturalization application.

Similar to Selective Service, it is a clear red flag because it shows you have disregarded the rules set out in your LPR status.

Lying During Applications or Having Provided Fraudulent Documentation

If you are found to have lied during an interview with an immigration officer, or consular officer, it’ll be noted on your file. There is no reason to lie during your interviews, or provide fraudulent documentation, because the chances of being caught  are quite high. If you have concerns about something you think might impact your application speak to an immigration lawyer before applying for your naturalizaiton. 

Evidence Against Good Moral Character 

There are various issues that can impact your good moral character case, even if they are not severe enough to permanently bar you from citizenship. These include:

  • Failure to pay taxes
  • Failure to pay child support
  • Marriage fraud (such as applying for citizenship by ‘fake’ marriage)
  • Arrest and/or conviction of certain crimes, such as solicitation, illegal vice activities, drugs, domestic violence, etc.

One of the biggest red flags is drug offenses. For example, if you are arrested for a drug-related offense, such as possession, it will be held against you during your naturalization interview. Crimes such as intent to supply obviously carry more weight than possession charges so be very careful before applying for naturalization if you have a criminal history.

Understanding Red Flags During Your Application

If you have any kind of criminal record, it is vital that you speak to a qualified immigration attorney before applying. This will allow you to understand whether you can make a case for you being granted citizenship via naturalization.

If you do not see any of the above mentioned red flags, though the list is not exhaustive, you are an ideal candidate to use our state of the art software to help you apply for naturalization. Give us a try. 

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